Well, Hello 2011! I've been waiting for you.
It's been a thing all over the world to celebrate the coming of a new year with a concert and then continued with the countdown. But, that never happens to me. First of all, call me old school but my curfew has always been before 7pm. Say whatever you want but I'm fine with it. My parents knows whats best for me.
The celebration of new year or independence day countdown therefore is not my thing. Yes, I have curiosity on what it feels like. But I prefer spending the time I have watching t.v with my blanket on the couch and just look at the fireworks from my balcony when the clock strikes 12 .Btw, this year, opss i meant last year, the sound of the fireworks was insanely loud. I literally thought there was a mini war outside. The sound like a gunshot and someone might have died. Okay, i'm being dramatic but that the fact. The sound was too loud I can't stand it.
When it comes to new year, the word resolution will aways be there. Honestly, I don't really think about any specific resolutions for the year. I only hope the best for me even if it takes me to suffer bad experience from it. But this year, maybe I'll make changes. I will try to lists the hopes and things I would like to achieve this year.