Sunday, January 30

9 to 6

Waking up as early as 6 am just to make sure I can have a seat in the train to PJ at 7 am is indeed tiring.
And going back home is another thing.
the train is like a can of packed sardines. 

its okay.
this is for the sake of experience and knowledge.
5 weeks to go.


Sunday, January 16

stop worrying baby!

When it's the time for me to just give up and just get it over with, I always find another reason not to.

I hated every minute of training, but I said, don't quit. Suffer now and live the rest of your life as a champion." - Muhammad Ali

Years From Now -Aizat
(this song is awesome)

What will I be years from now 
What will I wear, how will I look 
I think too much, I think too much 

Sometimes it's scary over thinking 
What you have or haven't done 
You think too much, you think too much 

Will the rain smell the same 
Will our loosing treacherous game 
And the star much shine 
The colours seem so blurry 

Will I end up all alone 
Without a shoulder to cry on 

What will I be years from now 
I have answered them but none have answered me 
And when my time has come 
I hope my last seconds in this life will have you 
Will have you 

Will the rain smell the same 
Will our loosing treacherous game 
And neglect most people who 
Seems so worthy

Worry does not empty tomorrow of sorrow - it empties today of strength.

Nothing is hopeless, we must hope for everything.

Friday, January 7

Myramon bertukarr.....

Tajuk entri tak leh blah kan?? macam cerita pokemon tu. Bila sampai tahap and certain power dia, dia akan bertukar. Ingat tak charmeleon pokemon tu dulu kecik je, lama-lama dah jadi charizard yg sangat ganas and makin cool power dia.

Ni lah charmeleon jadi Charizard!

Perubahan. Semua orang mesti rasa perubahan kan? Tempat tinggal lah, kawan-kawan lah, enviroment lah. So, since eventually kita semua akan  merasai perubahan, kenapa kita tetap belum bersedia berhadapan dengan perubahan tu ek? Saye mmg admit 100% saye pon takot kepada perubahan. Ish. Merisaukan lah. Soalan mcm What if tempat baru ni x best? atau Macam mana nk deal dengan org baru kenal ni eh? Or situasi dimana kawan kita ni dah tak mcm dulu ke and apa yg kita idamkan semua tak jadi. Haaa. Takot kan. The fact that kita takot benda yg belum tiba ni mmg boleh merosakkan mental betul lah. 

Baik, tahun 2011 ini, mari kita katakan OKAY kepada PERUBAHAN.

Orang tahun ni guna perkataan CHILLAX kan?

Tak semua perubahan tu tak elok untuk kita
Maybe nampak aje x seperti yg kita impikan.
Tapi mungkin ada hikmah dia yg tak dapat kita jangkakan.

Lepas ni tak payah nk sedih dah ok.

Different is not a bad thing, who says it is? 

Plan yg kene simen dalam otak!

Change is OKAAY!

Morning Love

Tak tahu pulak lagu ni lama ke baru ke akan tetapi lagu ini amaaatlah sedap didengar dan sangat lah manis sekali (semanis gula dlm teh'o yg boleh potong kaki tu) 

Boleh kata tiap pagi lah dengar lagu ni sementara bersiap kalau nk ke mana-mana.

Kehadapan suamiku di masa hadapan,
Sila lah jadi semanis ini bila dah kahwin ye.
Jangan nk sweet time couple je eh.


Selamat pagi sayang

Bulan telah hilang
Buka mata sayang
Hari kian siang dan mendatang
Tak ingin ku lepas semua

Jangan bangkit sayang
Biar seketika
Dakap lebih lama
Ku mahu senyuman yang sempurna
Mencintai sepenuhnya

Kasih berikan daku masa
Sebelum kau pergi menghadap dunia
Belai daku dengan mesra
Kerna itu sahaja yang daku pinta

Jangan pergi sayang
Lupakan sahaja
Usah keluar sayang
Ku mahu kau ada setiap masa
Ku tak mahu keseorangan

(ulang korus)

Biar selamanya
Hanya kau dan aku bergerak perlahan menghenti masa
Namun kita hanya oh manusia biasa
Yang hanya mampu menikmati indahnya kita berdua

(ulang korus)

Jap, tak habis lagi : Sila lah bukak Youtube and berangan-angan bersama saya :)

Tuesday, January 4

Faham ke tak faham?

I have a problem.
Please don't say you understand cause you don't.
Yes, I don't expect you to understand.
It's okay that way.
But please just be there for me.
That will be good enough.

Thank you very much.

Saturday, January 1


Well, Hello 2011! I've been waiting for you. 

It's been a thing all over the world to celebrate the coming of a new year with a concert and then continued with the countdown. But, that never happens to me. First of all, call me old school but my curfew has always been before 7pm. Say whatever you want but I'm fine with it. My parents knows whats best for me. 

The celebration of new year or independence day countdown therefore is not my thing. Yes, I have curiosity on what it feels like. But I prefer spending the time I have watching t.v with my blanket on the couch and just look at the fireworks from my balcony when the clock strikes 12 .Btw, this year, opss i meant last year, the sound of the fireworks was insanely loud. I literally thought there was a mini war outside. The sound like a gunshot and someone might have died. Okay, i'm being dramatic but that the fact. The sound was too loud I can't stand it.

When it comes to new year, the word resolution will aways be there. Honestly, I don't really think about any specific resolutions for the year. I only hope the best for me even if it takes me to suffer bad experience from it. But this year, maybe I'll make changes. I will try to lists the hopes and things I would like to achieve this year.