Sunday, October 31

suka saya lah.

I'm sitting alone at a corner
Wondering will I ever be happy again
Time flies moments passed
I'm still sitting alone at a corner

Saturday, October 30


Time Management is very important MYRA! ok baik. mari kita bahagi masa dgn betul ye. chayok myra. you can do it! saya perlu motivasikan diri sendiri ye. haha

p/s: agak2 sampai bila boleh positive je mcm ni? haha

Thursday, October 28


Heyya. I'm taking few minutes break from Jurisprudence. Tak tahan baca lama sangat. It's obvious that blogging is more fun that reading Jurisprudence. This post I solely dedicate to my current FAVOURITE TV SERIES. Wondering what show?? still wondering??? waiit for it... heheh. my one and only HOW I MET YOUR MOTHER. This show is extremely cool and funny. The fact that they emphasizes on the importance of friendship and brotherhood really caught me. Sukaaaanya mereka semua! I have all five seasons and will be updating to the 6th season during the break :) Can't wait beybeh.

My favourite quotes from Barney.

stop and think, be grateful.



Poyo pulak tengok gambar sendiri terpampang kat blog ni. besaq plak tu. So, terpaksa lah post blog lain. haha. Alasan. Pergi baca juris lah myra. haha. Sebenarnya kan, perut kita sakit lah. Dari semalam lagi. Haiya. Welcome back Gastritis. Lama tak jumpa. Apa khabar? Mesti sakit kan? haha. Geram lah perut cramp ni. sakit okay! Asyik rasa nak baring je. hahah. Alasan lagi sekali. :) Today is 28th already! yay! My parents is coming back. Today's flight at midnite! By morning of 29th, they will be home. Insyaallah. Everything will go as plan. Okay. Encik Juris, tolong lah jangan nk complicated sangat. Letih lah baca benda sama byk kali. Eh, lupa. Positive thoughts. Owh. Adam telefon plak. ok done. Myra, sila lah baca juris tu dgn ikhlas. Allah mesti tolong punya nanti kan? Ok. Yakin myra yakin. Lepas ni baca satu bab n faham baru tido ok? Tummy jangan nk sakit k. Dah makan ubat dah tadi :)

macam ni lah rupa saya tadi sakit perut.
tp badan xde lah kurus mcm tu.
konon2 je.

Wednesday, October 27


Saya tgh belajar Jurisprudence II.
Tapi saya dah penat.
Ada 6 topic lagi ni.
Agak2 boleh ke tak eh?

Jom cuba.

Tuesday, October 26

one done bebeh.

Hello again people. Yesterday was not okay. You see, semalam was my first paper of my final semester. Owh. International Law pulak. I'm crossing my fingers and hoping that i can pass this paper.well, It's done. Ayah kata doa je yang mampu ubah keputusan. Ok ayah, I'll remember this. The minute I write this, I had just finished eating my baked pasta that I cook this morning. Delicious. haha. Bangga dengan masakan sendiri. Ecewah.

Jurisprudence II is my next mission!

I miss my parents so much! Can't wait for both of u to fly back home.


Tuesday, October 19

The Pressure Is ON.

Well, study week already started. I have to admit the first two days not much I have been studying pon. But Insyaallah, I'll managed to cover what I need to when the time comes. My health condition is not so good lah this week. The time of the month is coming. All the pre-period effects is coming. I really have to overcome it. If not mmg tido je lah jawabynya. I cant expect other to help me since this is the thing i need to do myself. Ye lah. if I don't take care of my body, who will? So, having to be healthy mentally will surely help me physically. Am I right? Having to accept the fact that this is the FINAL of all finals exam is really scary. Bittersweet emotion hit me. I have been through alot since my days in Kedah and now in Shah Alam. My family and close friends knows how i switch between friends during my whole 4 years in Uni. I've been with a lot of clan that doesn't really suit me. But its not their fault and I humbly admit some of it was because of me. If u notice I have been with different group of people through out the semester. I have no regret at all. :) Each of them have their own unique way. So I'm blessed to have them part of my uni experience. :)

Coming back to studies, I have extra paper this last semester. I was so damn frustrated by it at the beginning. But after awhile, I'm glad. I know Allah planned awesome things for me. I have new friends. I learn more. And I know that its not because I'm stupid that I repeat the paper. It is just Allah's way of telling me to be grateful with what u have and don't forget to always respect other people. I understand that everything happens for a reason. This time I know the reason.

It's late and I still need to get back to my International Law subject. This is difficult but it's a challenge I'm willing to take :)

Friday, October 8


I dun even know where to start. haha. well, me and 20 others went for a nice havoc dinner at sunway :) It was a blast! Tak sangka all the guys pon sporting habis. I havent laugh so hard that it made me wanna cry at the same time. At the food, its refillable. Who doesnt like that rite? We eat and laugh all night. Well u see, its all start when 6 of us wanted to break fast together but since we are too busy that fasting month we decided to postponed it. Then we all fikir, apa ada hal kan, meh ajak the boys sekali. hihi. so we invited Fyzal, Afiq, Mumu, Adib and Azrul. HAHA. since its mendapat sambutan, lagi ramaaaaaaaaai yg nk join. sory x mentioned but u know who u are people :) so, there its is. 21 of us! coincidencely, the date was on 01.10.10 when u add up, what will u get? 21~ :) I'm blessed for having them in my life.
We will definitely do an outing again!


Tuesday, October 5

its hard to let go.

Semua org cakap bila kita accept our regrets, forgive ourself and move on, mesti everything will be alright. I tried. I did. Sumpah. Aku doa. Aku berubah. And org yg rapat je taw mcm mana aku dulu and sekarang. OK. itu achievement aku yg paling aku bangga.

But, at times, the past nightmare will still haunt me down. Bila ingat balik, aku mmg marah lah diri sendiri. Benci pon ada. Dah try mcm-mcm dah nk let go nightmare ni. Sekejap ok sekejap tak. Aku ingat aku dah move on. Tapi hakikatnya, aku rasa aku masih belum maafkan diri sendiri. maybe sebab itu lah aku still tak boleh nak lupa nightmare tu.

Kenapa ye mcm tu? Nak kata tak try, aku rasa aku cuba. Ada cara lain ke? I need to re-cleanse my mind, body and soul. Yes, now aku mengaku. Aku perlu pertolongan. :(