Tuesday, October 19

The Pressure Is ON.

Well, study week already started. I have to admit the first two days not much I have been studying pon. But Insyaallah, I'll managed to cover what I need to when the time comes. My health condition is not so good lah this week. The time of the month is coming. All the pre-period effects is coming. I really have to overcome it. If not mmg tido je lah jawabynya. I cant expect other to help me since this is the thing i need to do myself. Ye lah. if I don't take care of my body, who will? So, having to be healthy mentally will surely help me physically. Am I right? Having to accept the fact that this is the FINAL of all finals exam is really scary. Bittersweet emotion hit me. I have been through alot since my days in Kedah and now in Shah Alam. My family and close friends knows how i switch between friends during my whole 4 years in Uni. I've been with a lot of clan that doesn't really suit me. But its not their fault and I humbly admit some of it was because of me. If u notice I have been with different group of people through out the semester. I have no regret at all. :) Each of them have their own unique way. So I'm blessed to have them part of my uni experience. :)

Coming back to studies, I have extra paper this last semester. I was so damn frustrated by it at the beginning. But after awhile, I'm glad. I know Allah planned awesome things for me. I have new friends. I learn more. And I know that its not because I'm stupid that I repeat the paper. It is just Allah's way of telling me to be grateful with what u have and don't forget to always respect other people. I understand that everything happens for a reason. This time I know the reason.

It's late and I still need to get back to my International Law subject. This is difficult but it's a challenge I'm willing to take :)

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