Monday, May 31

An Unplanned Concert.

I was planning to go to Faizal Tahir Adrenalin Showcase on the 30 May. However, its not my rezeki like ibu said cause everytime i try to plan, there must be something came up. :( Fortunately, kak udha text me to know whether or not i wanted to go to Rossa Melodi Cinta Concert at Stadium Putra Bukit Jalil. Hell yeah. I wanted to go. So, I accepted the offer without thinking who to bring. I called my best friend Shazrin and she said she got things to do. I called Eilya, she said her roadtax is due. So, i ended calling my coolest ex boyfriend and still best friend to be my date for the night. Yes, he. The person who is not a favour in my family. and I don't know why. Well, after negotiations with the family, i was able to go. Ayah insisted on us to go by LRT. "Takot jalan jam petang nnt". So, we did. Guess what, we ended stranded at the LRT station for nearly an hour. LRT tu rosak sana sini katanya. I was down. I was panicked thinking that we will be late fr the show. However, the luck is still with us. We made it on time. We got the best seats. Not to crowded. I love it.

When the show began, we sang through out the songs. The best part was there was a guest performance with one of my favourite indonesian bands.
ST12. I was like screaming to them. Greated night i tell ya. That is not all, immediately after ST12, Ungu performed! Double the fun. i'm soooo in love with them! seriously.

It was tired but tons of fun! i hope u had fun too syahid. TQ for accompanying me.

me and syahid
The Concert!

Thanx to my parents for giving me the green light to go, my abg and kak udha for the tix, my kakak for helping to pujuk ibu and Syahid for enjoying this with me.

1 comment:

  1. myra.. myra oo myra laen kali anda sangat sangat la dialu alukan untuk mengundang saya bersama jika anda mau ke konsert seperti begini yea .... jikakau ada kelapangan tanpa segan dan malunya saya akan turut menyertaai anda yeaahhhh
